Jr. Lied

Perception or Deception

by Victor C. Brown, Jr. and Joan L. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/01/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781425905514

About the Book

This story is about women 
A woman is a creature put on this earth to absorb pain and take punishment. She adapts to the environment and life. 
The difference between a man and a woman is that a man has to be in charge, a higher authority than a mere female, while a woman just wants to be loved. 
Growing up in a rural coal mining Kentucky in the 1950s, Joy Preston faced poverty and ignorance and deperately wanted the big city lights and life of Chicago. She discovered how cold those streets could be. She grew up fast, learning how to hustle, how to deceive. Environment and habits were so different that confusion took control. Morality or justice was not the answer. Survival became the most important feat. Reputation and fame were key to Joy's stage and stardom. She needed only to look at the sky and see how many stars populated the heavens. How could she complete with them? That is, until she met a star that didn't glitter or shine. She learned how fleeting dreams were. 
This story has no right or wrong.

About the Author

Once again, I perused my husband’s file cabinet.  Just when I thought I’d take care of my flower garden, the cabinet beckoned me.  I came upon an old Webster’s dictionary and a lump of coal, resting upon another file folder: Joy, a jumble of unfinished notes and thoughts.  As soon as I began reading, I started assembling the pieces and the computer went into overtime.  Another part of Victor Wolf’s past emerged, intertwined with a woman who looked at the stardom of the stage and competed for its adulation.  She discovered the world was cruel and accepted only the stars it allowed there.  Was it life’s deception or her perception?