How Evolution Explains the Human Condition

Or, Why We See Beauty

by Roger Bourke White Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/26/2013

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781477273913
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 322
ISBN : 9781477273906

About the Book

Ah, the mysteries of life Why is mankind a boom species? Why should we worry it if is? Why is the Bible’s Curse of Eve real, and necessary for human progress? How does Panic and Blunder Thinking get us into deep, deep trouble? And if it’s so bad, why do we still use it? These are questions of the human condition, and using evolution to answer these questions is what this book is all about.

About the Author

In Roger’s words, “More than most people, I’ve ‘been there and done that.’ And while I was doing it, I was taking notes.” Roger is a careful observer of the human condition, technology, and history, and this is what he writes about. He was a soldier in Vietnam in the sixties, an engineering student at MIT in the seventies, a personal-computer pioneer in the eighties, and a writer, traveler, and teacher in the nineties. He has visited twenty countries and worked in five. He has worked in five industries with both superstar and falling star companies. He's seen a lot. Other Fun Facts about Roger • Helped engineer the Space Shuttle • Climbed 4,000 meter peaks in the Colorado Rockies and bicycled from Boston to Minnesota • Is a nephew of Margaret Bourke-White, photographer for Life magazine • Has a commercial pilot's license with an IFR rating • Was one of the first hundred people to play Dungeons and Dragons