
by Gustave A. Boehn III



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/02/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780759689213
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781403335807

About the Book

"Dos Cabezas"

Two guys embark on a weekend trip to the desert in search of an oasis with giant palm trees. It is rumored to be located in an area called Corrizo Gorge, which is one hundred miles due east of San Diego. Just before daybreak, they stop to have breakfast in the small desert town of Ocotillo. The only people in the restaurant at that early hour are the sheriff and the elderly woman proprietor.

The sheriff questions them on their presence in that area at that early hour. Having nothing to hide, they explain to him what their intentions are. The sheriff is more than happy to give them directions to Corrizo Gorge. Upon the sheriff's departure, the owner makes them aware that Corrizo Gorge is located on sacred Indian land, and rumored to be protected by Indian gods. She also mentions a few accidents that had taken place there, costing people their lives.  This information did not deter them from venturing into Corrizo Gorge, where their worst nightmare begins to unfold.

They had promised their wives they would return home Sunday night. When Monday morning arrives and their husbands still have not made an appearance, the authorities are notified, and a full manhunt is launched. A two-week search ends unsuccessfully in locating the two men. It is then that the wives set out on their own to find them. Their search also turns into a nightmare, and results in an inexplicable find.

"Twenty-Fifth Floor"

My job as an aerospace design engineer, led me to Singapore to work in a small aerospace company. The owner of the company insisted my wife and I stay in a condo he owned on the twenty-fifth floor of a condo complex, rent-free. We were unaware of the horrible tragedy that took place there involving his wife, around six months before we arrived. It wasn’t long before inexplicable things began to occur, letting us know our presence was not welcomed.

About the Author

The author works as an aerospace engineer. His hobbies are photography, kayaking, archery, writing and traveling. The author’s favorite book is: Love by Neshaminy Creek, A True Love Adventure Story. His favorite movies: Key Largo, Casablanca, Full Moon in Blue Water, Green Ice and Five Easy Pieces. His favorite vacation spots are the Florida Keys, and San Diego, California.