Shakespeare + the Queen

by Randall Barron



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/06/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781585005949
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781410744623

About the Book

This is the story of the 30 year love affair between Queen Elizabeth and the world's greatest writer.

Yes, the idea of such an affair at first may seem incredible, almost beyond belief.


What has to be understood is that Shakespeare was not the person we thought he was.

And, in some ways, neither was the Queen.

If you have seen the recent film Elizabeth, then you may be ready to read this book with no sense of deep shock. On the other hand, reading this book first will certainly prepare you to comprehend better the Elizabeth of the film.

About the Author

Randall Barron has published various articles in the Shakespeare-Oxford Newsletter and has addressed the 1998 Shakespeare conference at Concordia University.

He has a website expressing his views on the Shakespeare Authorship Question and a novel concerning the same theme, Against This Rage, under the pen name of Robert D'Artagnan.

As to his Shakespeare research, he is most proud of having pointed out on his website and to the audience at Concordia University where Shakespeare himself declares he is a knight, and of his investigations into Love's Martyr, an enigmatic and obscure book published in 1601, which he believes is another important key to understanding The Great Shakespeare Hoax.

He and his wife, Gloria, also were the first to discover and call attention to the INQUISITION POST MORTEM of Edward de Vere in London, in 1992.

Shakespeare + The Queen is his most direct, compact and dramatic expose of the scandal that shook the English monarchy and changed both history and literature forever.

For those who might like a more detailed and more scholarly approach on the same subject, there is his companion book, The Great Shakespeare Hoax...while his latest Shakespeare book, Shakespeare Through the Looking Glass, reveals startling insights into the enigmatic Dark Lady and the secret role the Shakespeare sonnets may have played in English history.