Women Tell What Men Should Know

Book Details
About the Book
The importance of writing "Women Tell What Men Should Know" is to remind men that women are special. This book will take you through 12 Chapters of getting to know what women are about. The Doll House Affect carries a logical meaning as to why women feel the house is theirs. Obese women and models are discussed, read and learn how society is failing them... This book addresses the old cliche, "Behind every successful man is a good woman." The author's new cliche . "Beside every successful man is a successful woman." What troubles the author's spirit is the way rappers are refering to women as B...s and W....s. These degrading lyrics referring to women has to stop. Women speak on the latest dress fad concerning teenage girls and how their lack of clothing is insulting. Less is best in some instances but not when it comes to dressing young girls.
VI P's, Judges, Celebrities, Educators and Women of God on a majority vote agree prayer is needed in school and why it is needed. Other chapters in this book are designed to take the minds of both men and women into areas of deep thought....
Chapter 1 My Bed Room Tongue.... Chapter 2 Why Women Listen... Chapter 3 Knowing How to Push the Right Buttons with subtitles The Grapevine, Charm, Sensual. Chapter 5 The Doll House Theory... Chapter 10 Open Expressions.... exposes women thoughts, women of all ethnicities, speak out. A poem by the author/Hall of Fame Poet is debuted in this book, "Woman From A Mans Perspective Way of Thinking," This poem excentuates the beauty of a woman. It also opens an understanding of her treasured and hidden nature, what makes every woman so unique, an individual, a rose of many colors, beautifully made yet all so different.
About the Author
Raymond C. Christian, Author, Notable Personality http://www.lakenetnwi.org/, Motivational Speaker, Hall of Fame Poet, Minister, Military Officer and Director of Juneteenth for the State of Indiana, is recognized for his many talents. Raymond is a renown poet with the International Society of Poets, the Famous Poet Society, he is recognized for his unique style of writing by the United Kingdom an affiliate of Nobel House which makes him nationally and internationally known. Raymond's motivational speaking promotes world peace. He recently wrote a poem concerning child abuse entitled "The Abusers Who Are They". Raymond has written a poem for the soldiers serving in Iraq/Afghnaistan "Be It Ever So Humble" to view these poems go to http://www.poetry.com/. Raymond is hosted on television, PCC, radio and featured in newspapers as well. Along with his many talents he is a Disciplinary/Instructor. Raymond researched, implemented and instructed a program designed to help At-Risk students with behavioral problems. He has received several honors for writing poetry. In 2007 he received the Poet Fellow Award from the United Kingdom, London, England. In 2006 he was elected by ISP's board for Who's Who, he is one of the best 100 poets in the country. He earned the title of Ambassador of Poetry for the United States of America and The Poet of Scholar Award after receiving a Life Time Achievement Award in 2006. Other awards that follow, The Diamond Homer Award 1996, The Pormetheus Muse Award 2002, 3 Poet of Merit Medallions and 12 Editor Choice Awards. Raymond is a Distinguished Member of ISP. Before making Major in the US Army Raymond made history once more. In 2003, he became the first African American in history to serve as Commandant at Fort Benjamin Harrison, 88th RRG. "God Almighty is more than the world against me." e-mail SirRCCCapt@msn.com