Being Chased




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/06/2018

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 50
ISBN : 9781546247838

About the Book

Being Chased is a young girl’s thoughts of psychological events of ghosts. Shadows have driven her into a dark place—a paralyzed nightmare in her dreams. It’s a journey that keeps repeating itself. Once the chase starts, it won’t stop. The scare awakens her to make different choices in her lifestyle, socially and mentally, in the real world. She discovers a shocking twist that unfolds before her eyes.

About the Author

In 1970, Mary Blackmon was born in Detroit. She left Detroit when she was seventeen and moved to Milwaukee. In the 1980s, she traveled to Mississippi to see her two sisters. In 1990, she met a man and had two children, Patrick and Amanda Smith, with him. Her children had children, and she’s a proud grandmother of seven grandchildren. Mary started working in the health care field and the industrial field, but she wasn’t satisfied, so she started going to college. In 2012, she graduated with a Bachelor of Science from Springfield College; she also earned a degree in addiction counseling. In 2017, she got her master’s in business admiration from Colorado Tech. Many years ago, she started writing Being Chased and several other books that have not been published yet. Mary feels that Being Chased is her greatest accomplishment, along with being a mother. Everything she ever did was for her children and grandchildren. She learned how to be independent, to live on her own, and to be a single woman, waiting for the right man to come along. I would like to give thanks to God for my children, sisters, brothers, and parents. I also thank my brother, James E. Blackmon Jr., for giving me the guidance and spiritual wisdom to understand my dreams. I thank my sisters in Water Valley, Mississippi, Sherry and Suzzette Blackmon, for giving me the strength to overcome all obstacles in my life. If you would like to get your dreams out, please fill free to tell me about them: