Grimmly, Once

A Column Compilation

by Anne Louise Grimm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/01/0001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781438940786
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781438940779

About the Book


            A selection of essay columns on a variety of subjects from whimsy to political, as the name “Grimm” might suggest. Serious to tongue-in-cheek, written by an acknowledged activist, to be read by all ages.

            Sometimes shocking in content—labeled as opinionated as that produced by an opinion writer should be, and therefore offensive to certain people—without all the usual four-letter-words so often used to attract attention by the semi-literate or less skilled writer.

About the Author

            Anne Louise Grimm spent her public school years in the small, rural county named Pacific, at Willapa Valley School on the Pacific Coast in the southwest corner of Washington State across the Columbia River from Oregon. First writing in the essay form, she won contests while in secondary school, graduated, lived four years in Seattle, married and left the state.


            Living in Portland, Oregon, Anne had an anecdotal column—Hits & Mrs—published monthly while her children were small, before moving overseas. Followed by a column of weekly essays of 500 words for three years, and later 600, “Of Shoes and Ships” published in the historic daily English-language Star & Herald of Panama. She was selling articles to CB radio, van and four wheel drive magazines in the United States, with pictures from her darkroom, when she bought her first computer. Using it to print an essay form newsletter sent to friends for one full year before repatriation.


            While her children grew up, Anne had written short stories—of many different kinds, and a journal record became a book-length manuscript. Her typewritten stories accumulated unpublished on shelves and in drawers, later to be collected into files of one computer after another.


            Repatriated to Pacific County, Anne used her computer for novel manuscripts, still essay writing to sell computer-generated and printed columns, sent by US mail to one and another weekly newspaper. By the time she had coded her own website and could send her work by email from the 600 word Grimmly Reflecting had been developed. Some in this first collection were compiled from what had been print-published. Others have only been distributed by Internet, free to subscribers with a release date of each Friday. More remain and still accumulate for other collections.