Fletter Cove

Romance and Relationships

by Anne Louise Grimm

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 18/10/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781425962142
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 300
ISBN : 9781425962135

About the Book

            A variety of relationship short stories, highly romantic and otherwise, about couples and families. Some abusive relationships, with resolution of the abused overcoming the conflict. Fantasy and science fiction, touching on the political, involving people from preteen to old age, including using amateur radio for communication and recreation. A wide mix of subjects: geographically, across countries, continents, galaxies, and infinite time. Suitable reading for any age—depicting such subjects as flatulence as amuse both the very young and old—without the common to the media gratuitous, offensive language.


            Universal codes, available to many of all ages but understood by very few, not tied to any language and therefore international. Sometimes “disappearing” to start over is a solution—and other times reappearing works even better; families don’t always know best . . . often they just don’t understand; a twist, in transfer between bodies of one creature and another with sweet/sad outcome; the feminist solution, sometimes to the good of all involved; a lighthearted facing of the final inevitability across generations; sacrifice of personal happiness for the sake of misunderstanding, innocent others; time travel altering the future; “scientific” solutions—tongue in cheek—to a few of the world’s problems; the take of the devil on what we do, giving him/her the upper hand no matter what choices we make; the adventure present in an ordinary day of family life; the happy, unbelievable secrets necessary to keep in old age. “Going down with the ship” can be a triumphant ending; seeking an alternative diagnosis makes all the difference. And, just what is it that can be found with diligent search through foreign languages in public and university libraries around the world? Finally, an interspersing of verse in as many different subjects, to set off one story from the next.

About the Author

Anne Louise Grimm—a Federally licensed Extra Class amateur radio operator with Volunteer Examiner certification, KA7TON—is a member of the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. A 7th degree member of the Grange, she belongs to the auxilliary of VFW Post # 968 in Raymond, Washington where her late father and brother were both members. As member of the American Radio Relay League, she can be reached as ka7ton@arrl.net and she writes on many subjects, currently emailing the free monthly newsletters SPARKS for WARC—KD7KAJ (Willapa Amateur Radio Club) and PROSPECT for Willapa Chapter DAWN, Domestic Abuse Women’s Net. She also emails the weekly Grimmly Reflecting column to subscribers. Much of what she writes with fictitious names and wildly impossible plot, covers underlying historical facts tied to famous names, as recognizeable by those who have traveled there or lived it.


Born in the United States of bilingual parents, Anne lived overseas for over 17 years, and has traveled extensively in countries of North and Central America. English is her second language, learned in public school in the rural Pacific Northwest United States. In adulthood she learned enough Spanish to communicate—though often on reflection having made embarrassingly ludicrous mistakes.


Anne now  lives in an apartment near sea level not far from the Pacific Ocean, with two faux fur cats and a stuffed owl . . . none of which need feeding. Where she does her own HTML coding of http://www.willapabay.org/~anne/annepers.htm and her living companions are a banana plant and aloe vera, from which increase she keeps trying to give away starts.



By the same author: INTIMATE REFLECTIONS, Two Years at the Panama Canal [history/biography]; TERRALIMBO, Out of Time [fantasy]; SOMETHING FISHY At the Panama Canal [science fiction].


Coming soon: INTIMATE REFLECTIONS, Tales Told Out of School [biography].