Buried, But Not Forgotten

by Tammy D. Thompson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/03/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 356
ISBN : 9780759622234

About the Book

In this novel, Buried, But Not Forgotten, Beth Laney is a girl who transforms into a woman so very quickly. She grew into an adult far quicker than she expected. A combination of feeling lost and alone left her vulnerable and confused for a while until she came across a few people who became very important to her, a few more important than she would ever imagine. And everything that seemed uncertain and mixed up in her life, little by little begin to fall into place like missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, scattered and strewn throughout her entire life until that point.

There are many types of losses, but some are more devastating than others. Some things can be gotten over in a matter of time, but other things seem to linger and remain, testing time to the limit. And sometimes, burying something doesn’t always mean it’s gone forever. You can bury a person, a feeling, a memory: all of these things can explain where Beth reaches her peak in experiencing what life is truly about. Instead of thinking that fear and hopelessness rule a heart, Beth finds out that there is love, friendship, and hope for a future. But it takes facing the unseen to let her see things more clearly. Many things can be buried, but a few things will remain etched in the mind forever, and so it was. Her mind became like a piece of stone in history, knowing the truth, but getting past it. And still, to Beth, those things are Buried, But Not Forgotten.

About the Author

Tammy D. Thompson was born in 1968 in Arkansas. When she was about ten years old, she realized her flare for writing, scribbling down silly little poems every chance she got. Then as the years passed, each line became more emotional from all the good times and hardships she had been through, from the death of her grandfather to graduation and starting a new life. She learned a lot from it all. And when she was twenty years old, she got married and had a son. But only a few short years later, she was left alone to raise her son as a single mother, but still determined to use her gift of writing one day.

That’s when she sat down to write her first novel. Up until then she had only written short stories and poetry. And regretfully enough, that novel was much to be desired, not a wonderful piece of literature at all. But she learned from it and as she began to attend writing conferences and get together with her agent and other writers, everything fell into place. And her mistakes all seemed clear to her, making her learn from them all. Thompson went to bed one night and woke up after having a dream. She went straight to her computer and began to write Buried, But Not Forgotten. That was the beginning of her dream trying to be reached. The dream of being a published author.