The Adventures of Miss Kitty/king arthur

King Arthur the Legend of Yesteryear, Miss Kitty sees History in the Making, Miss Kitty goes to Washington

by Aleekee



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/03/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9780759628663

About the Book

This compilation of Miss Kitty stories includes the titles: King Arthur The Legend Of Yester Year, Miss Kitty Sees History In The Making, and Miss Kitty Goes To Washing ton.

I have traveled several times to England and Scotland, I never visited Wales, which was in the Legend, the birthplace of King Arthur's father, Uther Pendragon. I have heard many tales of The Legend of King Arthur. Although there was not much written in the history books about King Arthur, he is never forgotten. On the other hand, many excavations of England have produced settlements and weapons to prove there was more than a Legend, so the tales continue about King Arthur and his magic sword, the Excalibur. Included in this book are photos from the Medieval Fair. Also in this book are photos of Stonehenge in Salisbury, England. I was fascinated with Stonehenge, when I visited this remarkable and very spiritual place.

I am now 68 years old, and still enjoy writing. I want to thank my dear Granddaughter, Jessica, for her artwork, which she provided at age 7. Diane Welcher has done a great job with her artwork. Thanks Diane. Now lastly, I want to thank Claudia Calton, for her transcription skills, Thanks Claudia. ALEEKEE

About the Author

If you have read any of my Miss Kitty adventures, you will know I have written some of my books in foreign lands. The wonders of the world are breathtaking, and give me so much inspiration to write. I do a lot of taping and picture taking to help.