The Condo Board

Power Can Go Too Far

by David H. Brown



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/19/2019

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781728333694
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781728333670
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781728333687

About the Book

Anyone living in a gated community or in a condominium property knows there is an elected board of directors. They wield a lot of power and spend the residents' money - wisely or not. Acrimony often sets in. The board in this novel is no different. There is skullduggery, innocence, pathos, trust and mistrust. The president of the board is conflicted, and disappears. This introduces the subplot. All come together in an exciting way, but the ending is a surprise because there is not any hint of it. Readers may well identify with the fictitious board. The author and his wife live in two different residences that have condo boards. One in Florida is a house in a gated community. The other is an apartment in a high-rise building in a Washington, DC suburb. This unique novel was sparked by personal observation, plus comments from others who live in similar communities.

About the Author

It is said a cat has nine lives. It is fact David H. Brown has had nine careers. Some were longer than others; some overlapped. As someone who nearly flunked out of college twice, he is included in the Who’s Who Lifelong Achievement Award listing. He earned a bachelor’s degree from Cleveland College in 1950, with a major in journalism and a minor in public speaking. In 1980, he earned a master’s degree in public relations from The American University. Born in Cleveland, Ohio on January 15, 1926, his parents were Ukrainian refugees who fled to America just prior to World War I. In chronical order, he was a public speaker; a combat rifleman in World War II; later becoming an Army Reserve officer assigned to the Pentagon; an organizer of various groups; an Ohio newspaper reporter; a local politician, and later an award-winning activist; a federal government public information officer/spokesman and founding president of the National Association of Government Communicators; part-time national capital correspondent for a major public relations newsletter; award-winning adjunct professor of speech at Montgomery college and a member of its Foundation Board; and, in retirement, the author of a dozen books so far.He does not deny his penchant for personal recollections, as well as puns and pranks.