The Present Testament Volume Twelve

Jesus: King of My Life

by Barbara Ann Mary Mack



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/17/2018

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781546223764
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781546223757
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 398
ISBN : 9781546223740

About the Book

BARBARA: QUEEN OF MY LIFE KING JESUS SPEAKING TO QUEEN BARBARA O blessed daughter of Mine: I have Crowned you Queen of My Holy Throne on High. I have blessed you with the gift of sharing My Holy Throne. I have granted you the honor of sitting by My Victorious Side throughout eternity. You have earned the title of being My chosen Queen of Heaven and Earth.

About the Author

Presently, I am the author of over five hundred God dictated and inspired books, of which over two hundred are published in the form of volumes. Actually, my books are given to me by Almighty God. He dictates His words to me, and I write them in a hand written form, or directly on the computer. I know that The Lord gives me these words, because I do not like writing at all. I was born and raised in Philadelphia, Pa. I am one of eleven siblings. I have a daughter and granddaughter who travel with me during my missionary assignments from the Lord. The Lord has sent us to many locations such as, the Vatican, the White House, the governor’s mansion, and many Churches, to deliver specific messages to the recipients. While in college, I majored in Psychology. I wanted to be a stress manager therapist, but the Lord God had another Plan for my future. I am truly grateful and honored of my calling.