Souls of Pier 35

by Rajah E. Smart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/1/2014

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781496907851
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781496907844

About the Book

When perplexed or depressed, there is a place where human beings go to escape. Many have chosen to escape to the infamous Pier 35 or what is commonly known as death row. The pier is used by storytellers as a symbol of sadness, depression, fear, bad omens, and often associated with the resting place for souls of the desolate, heartbroken, and fool hearty thrill seekers. Those who believe in the legend stay far away or venture there to join those who are known as the Souls of Pier 35. It’s the Fall of 2014 in Seattle, Washington; a middle aged man sits on the edge of the aged Pier 35 staring at a small branch floating in the Puget Sound. He’s there to take in the beauty of it all while waiting for the right moment to take his life. The man’s life is turned upside down when the loss and pain of a loved one finally sends him into despair. The journey of this character is similar to Janie’s journey from Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston with similarities to The Runaways by V.C. Andrews.

About the Author

Rajah E. Smart is the author of five books. His novels include All in Love is Fair (fiction, 2006), Sinners have a Soul Too (fiction, 2008), Clarity of Absence (fiction, 2009), You Were There (fiction, 2011), and Black Rain (fiction, 2013). The novels cover social contexts. Mr. Smart is socially conscious and believes that WE as people have to be more willing to face the social issues that shape our experiences. Rajah E. Smart was born, and raised in Flint, Michigan. Mr. Smart was an educator and trainer for 10 years before turning to writing.