You Were There

by Rajah E. Smart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/15/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781456753542
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781456753528
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781456753535

About the Book

After a tragic drunk driving accident, the woman who had been my friend, sister, mentor, and overseer was taken from this world. Tonya survives through a tale she began before she passed away what seems like eons ago. As I promised her, the novel she began to write so long ago, I’ve completed. We combined words to form the story we always wanted to complete together.

You Were There is based on her life story of teenage alcoholism and drug addiction, loss, fallen hope, the steps she was forced to take to clean up, and picking up the pieces to move forward with her life. Fortunately, I was there to witness the transformation, which in fact transformed me. As people, we search for great signs and inspiration; however, it can sometimes be found in the smallest places. She inspired me with her courage, understanding of life, strength and caring. I was there with her through college, and through the initial adult years before her passing.

About the Author

Rajah Smart is the author of other novels. Those novels include All in Love is Fair (fiction, 2006), Sinners have a Soul Too (non fiction, 2008), and Clarity of Absence (fiction, 2009). The success of the previous novels has allowed him to continue to grow and develop a unique style of writing stemming from imaginative background.

Rajah was born, and raised in Flint, Michigan. He completed a bachelors degree at Western Michigan University in Education (English and Communications) and a masters degree with the University of Phoenix (Administration and Supervision) while teaching and completing his first novel. As a result, he continues to pursue the dream he shared with his sister before her passing by continuing.