A Tale of Two Fields

A Personal Journey Out of Legalism

by H. Dale Lloyd



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/4/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 92
ISBN : 9781438949406
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781467050449

About the Book

The first act of false religion - religion defined as the effort of the soul to make oneself presentable and acceptable to God outside of relational accountability to and submissive dependence upon God - was performed by our first parents in a garden “sewing room” - the stitching together of fig leaves in an effort to cover the shame of personal nakedness. But the real genius in this first act of religion was not the ability to create coverings; the far greater wonder was in the uniformity of the coverings. An apron is an apron, and I suspect there was no distinction, difference, or uniqueness between his and hers. And there the two core characteristics of false religion emerged: self-effort and uniformity.

The great post-flood corporate expression of this was the Tower of Babel. God’s response was to confuse the best efforts of man’s uniformity by introducing into its monotonous sameness distinction, difference, and uniqueness. Driven by its passion for the pseudo-security and comfort of uniformity - which masquerades as unity - the best that the religious soul of man can do is clone carbon copies of the sameness. In contrast to this narrowness is the infinite creativity of the unbounded love of the Sovereign God, who delights in the true unity of spiritual reality that allows for, promotes, and enables infinite distinction, uniqueness, and difference of external expression and “performance”.

Therein lies the ancient conflict between the religious soul caught up with the pinching uniformity of doing and the infinite broadness of Sovereignty, who’s unlimited provision negates and renders ridiculous our silly fig-leaf aprons. The flashpoint of this historic engagement - the place where true and false religion collide - is that mysterious world in each of us where S/spirit and soul meet in the dance. 


About the Author

Raised in the rigid narrowness of staunch legalistic religion and the unhealthy view it created of authority and authority figures, Dale Lloyd’s perception of God was that He was the ultimate abusive authority figure in the universe. Dale had accumulated just about all of the soul devastation that gathers around a shame based life - just one half breath short of suicide. He feverishly reached for redemption. Instead of redemption he discovered that no measure of reaching, no measure of effort, no measure of sincerity, no measure of discipline, morals or ethics could in the end measure up. Life became an endless exercise of this futility. The effort always collapsed in more failure, which in turn deepened the crippling and disabling death-grip of shame.

At mid-life the performance came to an undiplomatic, awkward and convulsive stop. With the sudden cessation of the spinning of his world every religious work he had crafted and protected as dictated by the majority insistence of his own history - including, and most especially, 25 years of ministry - went flying off to be burned up in the atmosphere. The end had come.

Encased in life-threatening pain and despair, while stumbling through the rubble and debris, Dale made a most incredible discovery. He found a mere trifle of faith hardly the size of a mustard seed. And wonder of all possible wonders that faith had nothing to do with the incessant demand of his religious roots to measure up. Rather, that faith delivered him right into the relational presence of the one and only Person who met the measure and now dispensed righteousness and guaranteed justification on the basis of faith and faith alone. The end turned out to be the end of “works religion” and the beginning of dynamic, relational S/spiritual reality.