Learning to Integrate the Attributes of God Into Our Own Personality

Volume I

by Willodine Hopkins



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/24/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781420816877

About the Book

God’s personality can be formed in the personality of the Christian through the event of learning about God and desiring God to change one’s own personality.


Thirteen lessons for women, designed to create a learning event, in which one of the attributes of God is studied in depth.


Lesson sequence:

Step one: Study Hebrew name of God, which reveals an attribute that the Christian desires.

Step two: Read about a non-Biblical woman who has this attribute or the opposite of this attribute. How did this attribute become formed in her personality?

Step three: (Main body of the lesson) Study Biblical women who have this attribute. Learn how God integrated this attribute into the Godly woman’s personality.

Step four: Small group interactions begin the process of learning to have the attribute integrated into our own personality.

About the Author

Willodine Hopkins is a widow and has four grown children. She has a Master’s degree in biology from Arkansas State University. After having taught in public education for several years, Clover Bend School District and Tuckerman High School, she began teaching in Christian educational institutions, Crowley’s Ridge Academy for two years and Crowley’s Ridge College for five years in Arkansas before moving to California. When living in California, she continued her education taking courses from California State University and the University of California on various campuses. She taught at Normandie Christian School in Los Angeles. For the last twelve years of her career, she taught for Los Angeles Unified School District.


While teaching at Crowley’s Ridge College, she was the Women’s Coordinator for the World Evangelism Program, organizing and sending “Campaigns for Christ” groups to New England, Panama, Canada and China. On weekends she conducted  “1,000 for Christ” ladies’ rallies, in which one thousand people were taught the Gospel using Bible correspondence courses. She coordinated Target-A-Nation evangelism workshops in which missionaries, campaign workers and interested Christians were assembled to learn the peoples and cultures of the nations and plan how to reach each nation with the Gospel of Christ.


She has taught Women’s Retreats, Women’s Luncheons, Women’s Seminars and Soul Winning Workshops at Pepperdine and Biola Universities, and other locations in Arkansas, California, Tennessee, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Alabama, New Mexico, Arizona and Canada.



Published Works:

Monthly articles in The Way of Truth periodical published in Rampachodavaram, India

Growing Up Noiskleta, A poem booklet of Cherokee folklore, private publication

A History of the Influence of Women