Earth Again

Chronicles of Navigator

by C. E. Stewart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/3/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781403355898

About the Book

The saga of the great space ship, Navigator continues from the first sci-fi novel, Chronicles of Navigator-The Homecoming. It continues the life of Ben Johnson, ex-Navy pilot of W.W. II, aboard the star ship Navigator and all the friends aboard. There are many adventures with the ship, and also some very good advice that we could very well take to heart and help save our planet. Earth is just one of many billions of planets in this universe and the parallel universes that will be explored in these two works. Yes, there is still greed out in the vast expanse of space, but there is hope from the exploits of the book's characters. There are some very tender moments and a family aspect in these works. Love is dealt with in a tender and proper context. If the reader wishes to forget the problems of our time and relax, these two works are a must. For the reader who likes facts about the ship and the time frame in which it takes place, this will fulfill that expectation. The author has attempted to fulfill the wants of all readers in these two science-fiction novels.

About the Author

The author is a Johnny-come-lately author. Born in 1925, he experienced the trials of the Depression and W.W. II. After the war, he was a mechanic and then became a salesman of fasteners and auto parts. He traveled for the next thirty-five years in this capacity. It was a good insight into the human nature factor. He had always wanted to write novels, but just making a living took up most of his time. Upon retiring from sales, he and his wife began traveling in a fifth-wheel trailer. It was during this time that he started the science fiction stories of the great space cruiser, Navigator, and a cast of characters that would continue for two novels. Due to the high cost of a conventional publisher and an agent who didn't do anything to get his works published, the author finally found 1stBooks Library. Their programs made it possible for him to get published. He doesn't expect to get rich from book sales or movie potentials. He just likes to write. It is a very satisfying retirement occupation and everyone should consider its potential for a hobby in his or her golden years.