The Greatest Group Cookbook

Feeding the Greek System

by Denise Snow



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/30/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 440
ISBN : 9780759627888

About the Book

Inspiration for this book

When I took on the new job of House Director for a sorority, one of my first duties was menu planning with my cook. What seemed rather simple turned out to be a juggling act. I needed to stay in budget, yet make the menus enticing enough to make meals the young women could look forward to.

It also became apparent that healthy meals were always in competition with the main stay of what the young women had become accustomed to, mainly junk food, pizza, steak and potatoes. A miracle worker I’m not. Yet I wanted to provide a healthy diet for them and to attempt to get them away from fast food, off of high carbohydrates, and sugar rich meals. I researched cookbooks and solicited other House Directors for ideas, but nothing creative could be found. There was nothing available that addressed healthy menu options, and recipes designed for large groups. I began by taking menus I had prepared for my family and made modifications so that the recipes served 50. I saw what worked and made further modifications. A simple multiplying of ingredients does not always work. I compiled all of my recipes and separated them by various categories. I feel that all of my recipes are easy to follow, which was also very important to me. This book represents a summary of these recipes and other bits of useful information. It is intended for meal planners and cooks of large group sizes. Enjoy . . .

About the Author

Denise moved to Pullman in 1999 to work as a Sorority House Director and also to be close to her daughter who is attending college at Washington State University. This book evolved in her head as she worked there. She realized very soon how necessary a book like this would be for college sororities, fraternities, and big parties everywhere. She has since moved to Moscow, Idaho, where she lives with her dog Tobee. Denise is working on the sequel to this book, which she feels is also very necessary.  Mom's Weekend, Dad's Weekend, Homecoming and Etiquette for All will be available summer of 2002.