Genesis 2000

by Ysatis De Saint Simon



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/1/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781585002382
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 272
ISBN : 9781420876994

About the Book

Genesis 2000 - The Forbidden Initiatic Version - is based on the original Hebrew Language, lost six hundred years before Christ, and in which Moses wrote Genesis. 'Genesis 2000' is a profound spiritual-scientific text which has never been published before for good reasons! The Bible which we possess is far from being the exact translation of the Genesis of Moses. The French scholar, who restored the tongue of Moses to its original purity, knew very well that he would clash with old age accepted religious errors and prejudices if he did so. He said, 'In choosing to restore the Hebraic tongue to its original form, I have not been ignorant of any of the difficulties, nor any of the dangers awaiting me. But if one had to listen always to those pusillanimous considerations, what things would ever be perfected?' And also, 'Many men have, at different times and among different peoples, possessed the understanding of the Sepher in the way that I possess it; but some have prudently concealed this knowledge whom divulgence would have been dangerous at that time, while others have enveloped it with veils so thick as to be attacked with difficulty.' (Fabre d'Olivet, 'The Hebrew Tongue Restored').

Maimonides, Jewish Rabbi, savant and philosopher of the 13th century said, 'Taken to the letter, 'Genesis' gives the most absurd and extravagant account of the creation and of divinity. Whoever shall know the true sense of it ought to take care not to divulge it. This is an advice that all our sages repeat to us, above all in what concerns the work of the six days. If a person should discover the true meaning of it, he ought to speak of it obscurely, in an enigmatic manner as I do myself; leaving the truth to be guessed by those who can understand me. (Maimonaides 'More Nevochovim' Parch.II Cap.xxix)

What is the secret that has been so carefully guarded throughout the ages?

Do you want to know? Do you want to know the Truth?

If you are a scientist, or a human being who have resolved questions about God, your origin, creation, the sense of being, and your final destiny; If you feel stumped in your growth or in your investigations by old-age accepted errors, 'Genesis 2000' concerns you directly regardless of race or creed!

Finds true, intelligent answers to essential questions, read 'Genesis 2000'.

Fascinating! Spiritual-Scientific! Divine-Human! Personal and Infinite! Profound! Intelligent! Awe-Inspiring! It may well be the only version of creation acceptable in the next century!

About the Author

Born in a transatlantic when her parents traveled from Europe to America, Ysatis was exposed since early childhood to people who enriched her spirit and her culture bank of knowledge. After 'a near death experience' which changed her life almost 30 years ago, she broke her contract as an actress with Universal Studios and became centered in studies of the mind, and the evolution of the soul throughout history, shortly after she was initiated into the Highest Mystery of Life. Later on she learned 'Inner Kung-Fu' from a Chinese master. She attributes her youthful and healthy aspect to the faithful practice of both methods. She is a practicing Hypno-Analyst, lectures and writes books designed to help others to discover their own potential for enlightenment. Ysatis has studied for 30 years the mysteries of early Christianity and other religions in depth, finding the essential purity which links them all. She has traveled extensively and researched in depth the mysteries of the 'Apocalypse', 'Genesis' in the lost and original version (as Moses wrote it,) of The Holy Grail Hallows, the Cup, The Spear and The Holy Shroud of Turin synthesized all this knowledge into the practice of the 'Science of Being' as taught by the Great Spiritual Masters of the Ages. She is dedicated to propagate and put into practice the 'Eternal Love Teachings' which reached the peak of perfection two thousand years ago with the live 'Love Teaching of the Ages' the life, death and resurrection of Jesus the Christ. She believes that these teachings - which will soon culminate with the raising of 'man of god-like will' to divinity by union with their Essence - are the key to our God-like future, heralded by the image of the resurrected Christ stamped in the 'Holy Shroud of Turin.' In one fashion or another all of her books and lectures are a reflection of this approach to life. Ysatis feels that her life is beautiful for she has been successful in finding the Hidden Mystery which gives sense to All and in helping others to open up to their full potential and start treading the path towards their own illumination.