Teach me God's Word Series
Book 1 Strength in Believing
Book Details
About the Book
This inspirational book teaches children Biblical truths and principles engaging the reader in the history and drama of events. Each record demonstrates the love that God has for His children; the care and concern He has which is matched by His willingness. Each story comes alive as the reader considers the decisions and choices that had to be made. There is a focus on how to get answers from God and on the integrity of the Word of God. Similarly, there is an emphasis on trusting God and His word and the clear evidence that the Word of God is dependable. Each Biblical record, although they span centuries, God's love and care remains consistent as God protected, answered prayers and supplied needs. These lessons help build strong characters, build confidence and courage so that you can stand tall in any situation. You will see how God consistently takes care of His family and at the same time gives people freedom to choose. God has given His word in the Bible so that we might know Him and have answers and direction for life. This book is the start of a discovery of the riches of the Biblical records. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old he will not depart from it.
About the Author
Clare Summerfield grew up a Christian and has spent many decades searching out the truths of God’s Word. She has taken numerous Biblical Research courses over this time and read extensively on the subject. Patricia is the mother of three adult children and has brought them up to know God and to trust Him and His word. Teaching the word of God to children builds trust in God, a confidence and strength of character. She is committed to devoting her energy to teaching the Word of God to children in a simple and succinct way. This series of ‘Teach me God’s Word’ is dedicated to her children and their children. Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.