Modern Classic Sonatas
Book 10

Book Details
About the Book
“This book “Modern Classic Sonatas - Book 10” includes sonatas which were composed by Dr. Anis I. Milad. Dr. Milad expressed his emotion and was able to complete each sonata in three parts “exposition, development, and recapitulation” and in a variety of Key Signature. Producing books to include this form of music is a door for the new generations to follow and improve the classic music. This book is also produced to get the attention of the conductors and the musicians around the world to our world in the United States of America”
About the Author
My name is Dr. Anis I. Milad. Besides teaching in higher education for more than 15 years, I also worked as an accountant and manager/owner in my practice for many years. Helping students achieving their educational objectives, dealing with their struggles to survive, and interacting with the successes they encounter are valuable life experiences I treasure because they add meaning to my current work and give me the sense of accomplishment. I am interested in writing about different subjects, watching cable channels for entertainments and world affairs, and reading the newspapers on the Internet. During the years, I wrote military projects, poetry, music, short stories, minute plays, thoughts in religion and philosophy, interpretations on accounting theories and methodologies, critical reviews in business management, and I also wrote critical reviews in leadership. I have published twenty four books, twenty one books were published in the United States and three books have been published and distributed overseas.