Book Details
About the Book
Tia Anderson, a bail bond agent, loves working on the city streets. She was dedicated to her chosen profession until something awful happened that spins her world upside down, leaving her without the ability to perform her duties. While out on the job, a bounty gone wrong was broadcasted publicly, leaving the Red Cuff Bail Bond Agency in the center of negative attention which could conclude with losing the entire business. With this problem on Tia’s shoulders, she chose to briefly leave it all behind and get away from the city to decide if she even wanted to continue to be a bail agent. While combing the internet, Tia came across a beautiful small town named Wood Glean that instantly caught her attention. After living there for a few weeks, Tia settled in the charming town as she engaged in the quietness, friendly people, and engaging scenery. The more Tia got comfortable, the more she noticed odd things started to happen after she encountered a run-in with the town bullies. Then one day, someone slid an envelope under her door. When she inquired about the envelope, the women of Wood Glean began to distance themselves from her. Tia had no idea what receiving the envelope meant. When a few brave women shared the truth behind the envelope, Tia was cornered by the sinister reality the women of Wood Glean suffered. Tia’s vacation from the city life just turned into exactly what she was running from. She now has to decide if her life or the helpless town women are more important. Will Tia escape the town saving herself or will she use her capabilities to help the scared women fight for their freedom?