Tough Roads Create Tough People – Vol. 2

by Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/08/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781728355689
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 202
ISBN : 9781728355696

About the Book

Tough Roads Create Tough People – Vol.2 is a part series of a seven volumes global book project, aimed at showcasing some of the challenges and victories of global leaders. This project will provoke readers to take steps toward achieving their personal and business goals. This book teaches us the importance of staying focused on our journey, and also to understand that everyone faces challenges at one point or another. Also, it reminds us that challenges helps build our mental muscles and helps us to become better humans. “Tough Roads Create Tough People” — Anita Duckworth-Bradshaw This book is a collective effort of high profile professionals who besides all their successful achievements, decided to share their stories and insights in various topics with the world through this book. They have gone the extra mile to offer some powerful practical tips on several different topics, which will eliminate the thought of ‘self-doubt’ and promote positive attitude towards greatness. These professionals are located in different continents of the world, and each chapter is loaded with information that would transform your life.

About the Author