Natural Born Leader II

The Ronald Strikes Back

by Robert L Schmidt



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/05/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781728313184
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 388
ISBN : 9781728313207

About the Book

Billionaire real estate tycoon Ronald Tripp, onetime darling of America’s ultraconservatives, embarks on a new adventure as a progressive Democrat. It’s a remarkable transformation, but it aligns perfectly with The Ronald’s political philosophy. “It doesn’t really matter what we believe. The only thing that matters is what we can make voters believe.” An incident at San Francisco’s Gay Pride Parade exposes The Ronald as a progressive fraud, and suddenly he’s back as the Republican Party’s staunchest conservative. He’s going rogue, challenging Republican incumbent President George Flowers Jr. for the nomination. Both candidates carry dark secrets. The Ronald is conspiring with Russia to steal the election and George Jr. is leading man handsome with a child’s intellect. George Jr. is one of the most popular presidents in US history, until The Ronald’s Russian allies begin to work their magic. They blackmail Congress and the media, manipulate the polls and fabricate false rumors that George Jr.’s psuedo fiancee, Martha Wilson, is pregnant. The Russians demonstrate the internet shapes America’s perception of reality, even if the information on it isn’t real. Why are the Russians working for The Ronald? As The Ronald’s Russian confidant Boris puts it, “Premier Rasputin thinks Ronald Tripp will be a great American president for Russia.” No book about American politics is complete without a blackmailing adult film actress, a senator receiving monthly STD treatments, the senator’s illegitimate son, a vice-president secretly code named “Hot Flash” by the Russians or a club of partner swapping world leader swingers. Natural Born Leader II-The Ronald Strikes Back is a sequel to Natural Born Leader-A Tribute to the American Political System. Both books prove that its better to parody our political quagmire than dwell on it. Let’s make politics fun again.

About the Author

Robert L. Schmidt was born in Illinois and currently lives with his wife Marcia in Coto de Caza, California. They have two grown children, Stephanie and Marc, and two grandchildren. Bob has worked 40 years in the medical device industry in various technical, operations and quality roles. Natural Born Leader II-The Ronald Strikes Back is a sequel to his first novel, Natural Born Leader-A Tribute to the American Political System.