Stories from the Not Very Sane
Volume 1
Book Details
About the Book
The world is a strange place. In a universe where any basic assumptions about reality crumble under scientific scrutiny, where political systems are created and maintained by the most twisted minds we can produce, and no society seems able to reach a consensus on any fundamental values whatsoever, we at SFTNVS believe that it’s still not weird enough. We’ve endeavored, in our own small way, to add more insanity to an already blindingly insane world. If you find yourself feeling at ease or thinking coherently by the end of this book, then we will have failed miserably.
About the Author
This anthology is comprised of original stories written and illustrated by students and faculty members of the Herron School of Art and Design. Those contributors are Alyssa Day, Etta Thomspon, Dara Zuckerman, Koda Meyers, Mika Bower, Montana Cardenas, Cody Coffman, James P. Vining, and Lowell Isaac.