The wheel of life is a wonderful tool for self-discovery. It can be used during the Flowering Tree exercise but it stands alone as a way to gain a better understanding of our life. The positive and negative uses of the male and female energies will give us an example that we may have seen illustrated by others or in our own behavior. Remember, we all hold male and female inside ourselves. Women will be capable of both positive and negative uses of male energy and visa versa. Familiarity with the behaviors associated with the directions on the wheel will make it easier to recognize negativity when we see it. When we know someone is using negative energy we can either try to help them, if they are receptive, or avoid them in order to protect ourselves. Helping a person who is using negative energy is demonstrated by simply showing them love, listening to them and asking questions that will lead them to discover more about how they feel. It does not entail telling them how to live their life. If we recognize this negative behavior in our own actions we have taken the first step in moving towards using the energy in a more positive fashion. It is wise to think on one's behavior often, especially if one is unaccustomed to the practice.
The attributes of the south include the emotions, the heart, water, plants and children.
Our personal beliefs are also represented by the south. As we grow we develop into the people our caregivers want us to become. We have changed for the sake of our very survival. This often creates pain. We can use the South to focus on changing our personal belief about who we really are, not simply on what others have wanted us to be. Instead of seeing ourselves as the victim, we can choose to see ourselves as the hero or heroine in the story of our life or as an agent of spirit in the world. As Charles Dickens wrote in the beginning of David Copperfield, “Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.” The choice is ours. We can use our emotions, let the tears flow and cleanse ourselves with them, allowing us to celebrate our individuality.
Negative use of Female Energy in the South
This often manifests itself as the helpless victim needing to be rescued like a character in a Disney movie. This helplessness is often viewed as a desirable feminine attribute and can be seen in a woman who believes that she is incapable of living by herself and that she is lost when she is alone.
Positive use of Female Energy in the South
This is characterized by one who is not afraid to be humble and is willing to be vulnerable. They chose pleasure and knowledge over pain and ignorance. The use the positive energy to align with nature and her cycles and are grounded in such a way that they can not be thrown off balance.
The goal is to choose pleasure and knowledge over pain and ignorance, even if it means being vulnerable. We should not be afraid to be sensitive, gentle and tender. This will give us the ability to align and connect with the Earth, the four directions, and all plant and animal worlds, creating a centering balance that cannot be disturbed.
Negative use of Male Energy in the South
This is characterized by the macho male who needs to always be in control of every situation. It is seen in persons filled with their own self-importance. This energy is good for fighting in armies and aggressive business practices, if one must, but it uses emotions to battle for control.
Positive use of Male Energy in the South
This is characterized by one who can help others when asked and touch the world around as well as within himself, with beauty. It is comprised of total compassion, a sense of justice, and is able to see the truth in multiple perspectives. One is not dictated by emotions and is able to persevere.