Influence of Ethnic-Based Scripts on Reading Fluency and Reading Comprehension of Secondary School Students
Book Details
About the Book
For many years, leaders have been concerned that the U.S. public educational system does not adequately prepare all citizens to develop the skills they need to live and work successfully in today’s complex society. According to the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP, U.S. Department of Education, 2011), 64 percent of students with learning disabilities in the eighth grade were below basic reading-achievement level for reading; in comparison to all students, the percentage of those reading below basic was 25 percent. For African American students, 42 percent of students scored below the basic reading-achievement level; in comparison, white students scored 16 percent. This book explores the local problem that secondary school students need to improve their reading abilities in areas of reading fluency and reading comprehension. In addition, this book highlights various research-based models, techniques in teaching individuals how to successfully accomplish reading fluency and reading comprehension. Educational professionals, parents, care providers, and students will find this book to be very beneficial and eye opening.
About the Author
Dr. Sonia V. Grant is a committed educational leader in her community with over twenty years’ experience. She achieved a BS degree in economics (Queens College, USA), a MS degree in special education (Long Island University, USA), and a recent doctoral degree (Ed.D. 2014, Walden University, USA).