Stop Da Warz
Find Your Wings and Declare Peace Listen to the Bird that Sings in Your Heart
Book Details
About the Book
How we live with each other and Nature at large will determine our success in a civilized world. We have failed thus far, since constant wars are draining our spiritual and community blood into chaos. This book “Stop da Warz - Listen to the Bird that Sings in Your Heart” calls for us to wake up one more time to hear our inner voice, and understand the god-awfulness of our many wars against ourselves, our neighbors and our planet. Understanding the dimension of wars in stark brutality leaves us only with one alternative; CEASE FIRE! The book analyzes the folly of war, nuclear energy, emphazises correct knowledge on the use of pesticides and sustainable agriculture, humane management of natural resources, the values of love and concern and empathy.
About the Author
Story teller, environmental warrior, botanical scientist, acclaimed writer and poet, Dr. Wayne Williams worked in five war zones as an international agricultural and environmental advisor. Even compared with his deep professional experience on the direct evil of nuclear meltdowns, rampant ecosystem pollution, stark poverty in developing countries and a worldwide epidemic of political irrationality, war is the worst of human actions against ourselves and our dear planet Gaia. Wayne manages a community garden in his home of San Diego, California, practices Zero Waste, lives happily with his wife Irina and finds time to play the piano every day.