North American Projectile Points

Book Details
About the Book
This book is now in its sixth edition and covers the entire North American prehistory of projectile points, which are commonly called arrowheads. There are over 1,200 point types listed. Each listing contains point photographs, a brief description, where it is found, who named it, its general dates, distribution maps, and references. It is a basic lookup book for stone arrowheads. Also it contains an introduction, how to identify projectile points, and numerous other book examples that the reader may wish to consult. The points are listed in alphabetical order. The more common points are marked, which makes them easier to find. There are numerous photographs and drawings for these points. The book is a tremendous asset to professional archaeologists and collectors who are interested in stone tools. One of its major features is a list of most of the point types in the United States. This publication represents seventy-five years of point typing in the United States. It was written by a professional archaeologist with over forty years of investigating and studying lithic implements of Native America. The book has 800 pages, is black-and-white, is 8 1/2 by 11 inches, and has a soft cover.
About the Author
Jack Hranicky is a retired U.S. Government contractor, but he has been involved with archaeology as a full-time passion for over 40 years. His main interest is the Paleo-Indian period; however, he has worked in all facets of American archaeology. He has published over 250 papers and over 40 books on archaeology with his most recent being a two-volume, 800-page, 10,000-artifact book on the material culture of Virginia. In Virginia, he is considered an expert on prehistoric stone tools and rockart. The prehistoric Spout Run Observatory site was investigated by him that dates to 10,470 YBP. He has served as president of the Archeological Society of Virginia (ASV) and Eastern States Archeological Federation (ESAF), and been past chairman of the Alexandria Archaeology Commission in Virginia. He is a charter member of the Registry of Professional Archaeologists (RPA). And, since he joined the ASV in 1966, he is its senior member. And finally, his major publication is Bipoints Before Clovis.