Chapter One
WE all deal with are thoughts through out the day some times they destroy us. I was only saved for about a year and in church .I brought a lot of trash with me from my past . I had a lot of things that where stuck in my head . And the devil would use them against me every day to try to destroy me and my family . See when I was about ten years old I saw my first porn . My dad was in the living room late at night watching it. I would sneak around the back of the house and watch through the window of the living room. He had no ideal what was happening . And neither did I . I just liked what I was seeing .
It begin right there out side of my house the destruction of my mind , I could not control my desire to want to see more. I was addicted at the age of ten. The pictures would not leave my mind, the thought where with me at school at home every where I went that’s all I thought about . I was 22 when I gave my heart to Christ . So I had 12 years worth of dirty thoughts and pictures stored away in my mind . That I did not even no they where there because I never fought them tell after I was saved,.
2 Corinthians 5-17 says ,
Therefore if anyone is in Christ ,The new creation has come,The old has gone ,The new is here.
What does this mean are we going to be free from all are past. Yes and No. yes in the way we are forgiven and ,No in the way we still have all that junk in are mind that we have to replace . But whats good and bad is that now we know that its there . Before I never thought what I was doing was bad. I did not have the holy spirit living inside of me to convict me of my wrongs .The bad is I begin to be under attack every day almost to much to bare. I thought to myself I thousands times this is to hard ,I can not do this the rest of my life .
But God gave me this sermon on how to CONTROL MY THOUGHTS.
Ephesians 6-10-17 .vs
10 Finally my brother be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might .vs11 Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against the WILES of the devil.
To stand against the wiles of the devil . This got me to thinking he is trying to get me to fall by using my thoughts to destroy me . The oldest trick in the book . The wiles of the devil are tricks that he comes up with to cause you to stumble back into sin. The devil can not use what he does not have . I tell my church this all the time don’t give him nothing to use against you .take every thought captive .
2 Corinthians 10 -5 says
Casting down IMAGINATIONS and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into CAPTIVITY every THOUGHT to the Obedience of Christ.
See what its saying is Satan is holding your thoughts over you like a fishing pole with bait on the end of it , which could be nasty thoughts old images of naked are sexual scene of dirty movies are magazines . It could be some one who has hurt you and you have been dealing with it for years and years and you have not forgiven this person are group of people, and the devil uses them like bait over are heads every day .
It could be your child hood you just did not fit in are you felt abandon by your parents and family and you have no rest, day are night because of your thoughts that run over and over in your head . Which then he has you on the fishing pole trying to real you in and to destroy you with your very thoughts.
His job is this very thing he comes only to Kill, Steal and to Destroy JOHN 10-10 .
That’s why it is so important to control your thoughts to not bite the bait ,you can over come your past, you can replace the old you , You are a new creation in Christ Jesus. GLORY'''''''
The second part to JOHN 10-10 is that Christ has come that you might have life and have it more abundantly .
This means that you can be free from your thoughts that have been destroying you for all these years. You have to take every thought captive .
Take ever thought captive . When these thoughts arise in your mind you have to recognize that first of all you are being lured into a trap by the devil himself . So the first thing is to know that you are being lured into a trap . The bait is your thoughts that have been stored away . That he is trying to get you to dwell on . This is why its so hard to just say I forgive you because Satan does not want us to live in the freedom of forgiveness . So he brings up over and over the things that are dad may have done brothers are sisters are family members have done ,to us in the past. Maybe be somebody from down the road that nobody knew but you and them . And you have dealt with this hate in your heart all these years.