"A Bedtime Story"

by P. Joshi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/12/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 26
ISBN : 9781491886564

About the Book

Chaki and Chako is a bedtime story for the children presented with an interesting characters and colourful illustrations. Chaki, a hardworking she-bird, returns home and finds a pot of cooked porridge empty. She is mad and wants an answer. Who ate the porridge? Was it her no-good husband Chako? Was it the King’s dog as Chako claimed? To honour the justice the King uses the power of the magic well to identify and punish the culprit. This important tale is magical, amusing, and also will teach children about the dire consequences of lying and cheating, not to mention the lessons of seeking forgiveness and reforming negative character traits - a worth reading story to every child.

About the Author

P. Joshi is a new author of the children books. His books include Cubby and Chaki & Chako, His unique style of writing is funny, heart warming and at the same time teaches valuable lessons to children. His interest to tell the stories to his children and now grand children has motivated him to share his stories with other children who will find his writing interesting to read.