Inspired by The Son

A Book of Inspirational Poems

by Susan Audette



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/01/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 58
ISBN : 9781481708265

About the Book

Have you ever experienced moments in time when it affected you so strongly that you had to do something to express that? Some people do it through art, music, painting, and then there is writing it down. There are many seasons in life that we all go through here on earth, and we all have different ways to find our peace, comfort and strength to deal with them and get through them. Sometimes they are times of excitement and joy (my favorite). As emotional human beings we can not help but express ourselves. I found mine in the Lord and the poems He inspired me to write. It is in these special or trying times that we need to take time for ourselves and examine what we are feeling, thinking and experiencing. Through these experiences we need to remember that our heavenly Father is always available to help, heal, strengthen and comfort us. It is the good and bad times in this life that we all share in our humanity on this earth. We all need each other and it is my prayer that we will all draw closer to the Lord and each other since life is so short. We have so much to share with each other! God bless you on your journey in this life and may you make the most of them to the fullest and in joy!

About the Author

I have written my book of poems out of expression of the thoughts and feelings about both the trying and wonderful experiences of my life. In writing this book of poems, it has helped me to capture what I have seen through mine and other's experiences. It has helped me to show my love for God, life, nature and people. The wonders, woes and beauty of life have moved me to express on paper my feelings and thoughts about them. It has been very therapeutic and comforting, even exciting for me to write about all of these things. I realize I am not the only one to feel or express myself in this way. I could not help but share with everyone because it was like being able to give away a gift of joy,hope and comfort to all. And I do hope this book brings just that and more to all who read it, hoping to stir up all the good things inside of us! I love to go to places that stir up the poet in me ; like the beach, the countryside, a lake setting or even just sitting next to a quiet stream in the woods. Places to mediatate and just think and listen. I appreciate and love the beauty of the change of the seasons, and the changes they bring. Sometimes good, sometimes bad, but it's the simple and beautiful things in life that make me appreciate it through our senses. Life is filled with so much wonder and awe at times, and seems to go by so fast that we have to take advantage of enjoying it and making the most of it when we can. Do you have a special way that you like to like to express those? Cherish them and your loved ones. For fun I enjoy taking pictures of nature, sunsets and loved ones. I enjoy doing volunteer work with the homelesss through different organizations. I was a volunteer chaplin for seven years in the women's prison system. Also in the jail correction system. I have learned alot about people and life! I am married and have two grown children. I have two grandsons. I live in Vancouver, Washington and work in the medical professional field in a local hospital. I have lived in several states in the country, on both the east and west coast. I have been blessed to have been able to travel around various parts of the world. I really appreciate the exposure and it's given me a broader perspective on life. Thank you for your interest in me and my book! Sue Audette