Volume II
Book Details
About the Book
The car is so near JF knows he can touch her if he only could move his right arm, the left one is griping his mother's leg. He has his eyes on the Queen, 'Is she a Queen, is she?' he thinks. He looks at her, eyes in the eyes. Both are at the same height. The cavalcade passes by and JF asks his mother 'Isshe the Queen from the Fairy tales?'
About the Author
J F Reis was born in Lisbon. In 1962 his parents took him to Angola, where he lived until 1994 when he came to reside in London, Great Britain. His plans had always included writing and painting, however, unforeseen events kept most plans at bay. After reading Business Information Systems with Honours at Middlesex University in London (2001), he got a job with the Crown Prosecution Service as a Messenger and when that role ended, as an administrative until his retirement. JF Reis writes in English because it makes him feel detached from the past and ‘Past is a foreign country’. He has used the acronyms FilipeTheMessenger and Harrow Hill in his contacts on the Internet (world wide web.)