Opening the door to "the absolute truth"
Book Details
About the Book
Opportunity to find out if absolute truth exists is always an interesting attractive for human curiosity.This book confirms that absolute truth exists and that who reads it, shall be acquainted that he already knows a lot of that absolute truth but he is not aware of that. Book invites the reader to discover what it is in front of him but he has not attempted to see.
About the Author
Author is a retired colombian electrical engineer.At present he likes to feel nature in all its expressions. He thank creator, every other second, the privilege of life received.He is a two daugthers and 4 sons father. They all are currently professional and well educated adult persons. He has been husband of three sequential wives.He worked hard as a field engineer and eventually was an university professor and played piano.He thinks nobody should pass away without leaving a personnal cultural legacy to coming generations.That is" the why" he decided to write this book. .