A Look at Misperceptions and Mistakes

by Jerry Beauchamp



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/10/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 94
ISBN : 9781477284957

About the Book

The commitment of mental patients, their unusual treatments in the early 1950’s. A description and life style of some of the patients who were committed at the State Hospital in Texas. From the cells in a tunnel to grated wards.

About the Author

Working on the staff over ten years as an employee at the San Antonio State Hospital as an ward attendant, Industrial Therapist and then Vocational Counselor. I enrolled in state sponsored education program in connection with San Antonio College and the Board of Hospitals and Special Schools that eventually lead to certified Psychiatric Technician. After completing the required courses for the technician status. There was a deep interest for me to do more for the housed patients at the mental hospital. Soon there was an opening for a vocational counselor. In order for me to work in this capacity more education was required in psychology where I studied through Extension Courses sponsored by the University of Texas. Later, I studied at the Institute For Crippled and Disabled in New York City, sponsored by New York University and the Southern Regional Education Board. This additional schooling was completed a certificate as Vocational Counselor and pre-vocational unit supervisor was awarded. One of my ambitions was to begin a Sheltered Workshop to be located at the mental hospital. The first Sheltered Workshop began at the hospital and was the first of any such program in any Texas State Hospital. Many patients, some that had been hospitalized for more than twenty years had never been able to work for pay. During my tenure in this capacity over 80 patients learned a trade that enabled them to gain employment. Some were able to go outside of the hospital, work and then return at night to rest and sleep. The Sheltered Workshop provided them the counseling, vocational training, money management, how to ride public transportation and job placement. After resigning from the hospital employment was obtained as a general insurance agent for a large insurance company. I was elected to the school board at East Central Independent School District for over nine years as Board Member and President of the Board. My career included two terms in the Texas Legislature as a State Representative. I presently operate my insurance business here in San Antonio, Texas in my forty eighth year.