Lies of Illusion

by Mike Haszto



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/09/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781477257463
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 282
ISBN : 9781477257456

About the Book

Chris is an average Joe who wakes up everyday and follows the same old routine...his work, his marriage, and his life becoming more and more stale and unexciting.

His life drastically changes on February 26th, in ways that he would have never imagined.

He crossed that imaginary line between sanity and insanity, life and death, losing all respect.

Then, he experienced the bizarre, in every possible dark way.

Accompany Chris on his wild twenty four hour ride into eternity...

About the Author

Mike has published five poetry books and nine novels in the past four years, gathering each poetry book into a specific theme, yet writing in many genres when considering his novels.

"I enjoy writing poetry that embodies the human condition, especially the heart" he says. "My novels are a different type of monster. While I enjoy writing suspense thrillers, I usuually center on an idea that fascinates me and go full steam ahead with it."

Mike grew up in Islip, New York his first eighteen years, then made Ohio his home since but about six years. He has happily called North Ridgeville home for the past fourteen years, though yearns for palm trees and beaches on a daily basis.