Straight A Student Explains Non Verbal Reasoning

by N Robinson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/07/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9781477215289

About the Book

The book illustrates students and their responses to non verbal reasoning situations to show how their thinking can break down an example so that it can be used to find the solution to further similar problems. It shows new learners what to look for when developing reasoning skills based on a process which that builds learning capacities by using simple mathematical concepts to solve problems using reasoning skills. To summarize, this book • bBuilds the capacity to learn, • Uuses raising achievement techniques, • fFurther develops thinking skills, • hHelps the breakdown of a problem into bite- size steps, • Ggives thorough traditional practice.

About the Author

Nigel Robinson has an honour’s degree in mathematics and physics and has a post graduate teaching diploma in Eeducation. He has been teaching mathematics in secondary and high schools for twenty-five25 years and has coached students in the enhancement of reasoning and thinking skills and techniques to enable students to pass entry examinations for selective schools and colleges. The author has also coached students who wished to become members of Mensa. The material , worksheets, and activities used by the author is compiled by him and so meets the needs of the individual students.