What If ?

The Revised Edition

by Mike Howarth-Baker



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/10/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781456797461

About the Book

This book is about my experiences and views of my life long issues and what i felt and experienced whilst changing my life, and how sometimes when you clean up all your hidden memories come flooding back. I had a lot to deal with, and had to overcome them. Learning different ways and behaviors to understand my past and move on, and find a different way of living. My poetry came in recovery as a way of dealing with my issues and it helped me. so now what i have learned is to, share what i`ve been through, But from within were no-one can reach you unless you know the thoughts and feeling from your own experiences.

About the Author

I am 49 yrs and over the past 12yrs i have been through a major life change, I grew up in what might be called a broken family unit. i have been through many traumas and troubles whilst growing up. In 1999 i had a major brake down, which caused me to loose everything, my home, my job and access to my son. I ended up homeless and Was sent in to Rehab, However my issues started way before that, and i had to deal with being clean and learn to live with My Addictions. Now i am in Recovery and trying to live my life as best as i can, yet never forgetting I am an Addict.