

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 01/09/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781463442781
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781463442774

About the Book

Bushings for Power Transformers, A Guide for Power Engineers There are number of good books on power transformers available in the marketplace and they go into much detail on the theories, designs, construction, components and testing of power transformers. However, they only devote one short chapter to bushings. Bushings are the most important component on your power transformer and one that is maybe least understood. This book will provide the Utility Power Engineer as well as the Utility Technician with a Handbook that will fast become the main reference tool when a bushing issue arises. For the Power Engineer who specifies new power transformers, it will become the go to handbook that will help them to avoid costly mistakes when specifying the bushings in their power transformer specification. This book will review the history of bushings for power transformers and will review the industry standards that apply to bushings. The book covers the different technologies used in bushing construction and will examine the techniques used in the selection of bushings for power transformers. It provides the basic information on bushing tests and how they relate to the power transformers. There is a chapter on maintenance and a guide for replacing bushings. The last chapter deals with a topic that occurs all too often, power transformer failures. This book provides a guide for investigating a power transformer failure when the bushing is suspect. The first hours after a failure is the most critical time help understand what caused the failure. This chapter will help the Utility reach the root cause of the event and hopefully prevent future failures. Every Power Engineer and Power Technician needs Bushings for Power Transformers in their bag of tools as they deal with their power transformers.

About the Author

Keith Ellis has worked in the power transformer industry since 1971. During his 40 year career in the industry, he has gained a unique perspective concerning every aspect of Bushings for Power Transformers. In the early days, he selected bushings for power transformer quotations, then, while in field sales, he supervised the installation of bushings in many new power transformers. Beginning in 1986 he focused his efforts specifically on power transformer components, becoming knowledgeable about every phase of bushing development, design and application. In 1992 he was challenged to develop a line of IEEE/ANSI standard bushings for the US market. In 1995 he developed the concept for high current, low voltage, draw lead bushings. These new bushing designs transformed the bushing industry; bring a new level of safety, lower costs and faster replacement of bushings to the Utility industry. Another development Keith has achieved was the introduction of non-porcelain insulators for oil filled bushings. This introduction brought a new level of safety to the electric substation by reducing collateral damage when there is a major power transformer failure. Keith has also gained experience over the years investigating power transformer failures where the bushing was the suspect. This has gained him the reputation as the go to person when there is a failure of a power transformer, especially if the bushing is suspected. In 2010 Keith decided to share his years of bushing and power transformer experience by writing this book with the objective of providing the Utility Engineers and Technicians with a comprehensive handbook on Bushings for Power Transformers.