My Soul Cries... Holy Holy Holy

Building Child-Like Faith Through Simple Inspirations

by Wanda J. Myers



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/01/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781456718534

About the Book

‘God’s Children Are Crying … ‘I pray, but nothing changes. I read my bible, but I am not comforted. If God is real, why do I feel so empty inside? And, if God loves me, why do I feel so alone?’ These are the silent cries of God’s children. Many leave church in the same condition in which they came: broken, weary, lonely, and blind to their purpose for living. They come seeking relief from their spiritual ailments. They don’t understand that the solutions they seek require their personal and active participation. God still answers sincere prayer, heals the wounded, and puts lives back together. Things change, people change, but the Word of God remains sound and unchangeable in its instruction for everyday Christian living. It is we who forget that God is a Holy God who commands His children, and those who seek Him, to develop Christ-like character, behavior and standards of living. Holy is as Holy does … “Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.” [1 Peter 1:16] Forget the old clichés: Come as you are; God knows my heart; Nobody’s perfect. To experience the fullness of Christ working in our lives, we must renew our pursuit of child-like faith. We must surrender all and desperately say … My Soul Cries … Holy, Holy, Holy.

About the Author

Wanda J. Myers, known to many as Ms. Wanda, writes with the kind of passion that entices readers to take an exhilarating literary journey toward discovering their true self. Her words encourage readers to ponder life choices. Readers will be swept away by her straightforward honesty, touching empathy and great compassion derived through personal experiences and strong faith. Ms. Wanda erects an emotional mirror into the heartbeat of daily living, persuading the reader to get up-close and personal with the condition of their heart in order to wholeheartedly pursue emotional and spiritual well-being through sincere self-examination. Her favorite pastime as a young, avid reader was to write poetry and short stories. Her faith convinces her that everyone was created by God for a purpose. She boldly moves toward that which she believes she was created for … to encourage, inspire and help others break the yokes of stagnation that hinder emotional and spiritual growth. In 2007, under the leadership of her father, Dr. Leroy Greene, Sr. of Greater Solid Rock MBC in Kansas City, MO, she accepted her call into the ministry and created her website, ‘Speak True Life,’ to minister words of inspiration to others. Raised in Kansas City, KS, Ms. Wanda accepted Christ at Pleasant Green Baptist Church in her youth. She is a wife, mother, grandmother and Missionary who serves Christ beside her husband, Minister Paul Myers. Ms. Wanda stepped into the public speaking arena in 2010 as a participating clinician at the Sound of Worship Ministries Conference 2010 in Kansas City, Kansas, and again at the Fellowship District Women’s Prayer Retreat at Camp Palestine in Chilhowee, Missouri. She is excited about what God is doing in her life and invites her readers to come along on the journey.