The Sheriff's Journal

by Linn Keller



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/04/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781452094212
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 244
ISBN : 9781452094229

About the Book

She wore high heels and a .45 automatic, a tailored suit dress with a badge engraved SHERIFF pinned under the lapel.

She had an explosive temper and a glare that could split rocks, and she had light eyes, pale eyes, the color of a glacier's heart -- just like her ancestor, her Great-Great-Grandfather, the second Sheriff of Firelands County, Colorado.

When her husband found the Old Sheriff's personal journal in a hidden compartment of their roll top desk, Sheriff Willamina found a door through which she could step, a door that led to another world, another time.

Follow the Sheriff from the Northern Ohio farm country through the war that tore the young nation apart, through dirty little coal mining towns and corrupt Kansas villages, aboard steam boat and a plow horse, until a final confrontation with a corrupt official shows Sheriff Willamina Keller that she is cut of the same violent, uncompromising cloth as her pioneering ancestor."

About the Author

Linn Keller is a student of the American West, an incurable romantic and an expatriated Appalachian storyteller.  A veteran lawman, medic and firefighter, he is no stranger to riding the Adrenalin Stallion.  The author's experience as the only lawman in town carries clearly in his writing, along with a wry sense of humor and the ability to paint a clear and accurate picture of life before, during and after the American Civil War.