Morgan Nightingale

The Sentient Cyborg

by Robert Dean Vaughn



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/05/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781449095031
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781449095024

About the Book

Morgan is not human; she knows exactly what she is. Her bones are titanium, her brain is synthetic, and her muscles are smart metal alloys. Her Biologic component is a human shell she wears like a costume. She first opened her eyes full grown, with a great deal of programmed knowledge and capable of conversation, in the year 2189. Earth is corporate owned and Morgan’s primary programming makes her a very expensive sexual surrogate. She is a rich man’s companion; she is beautiful, female, and submissive. But she has questions and she is quite capable of learning and making choices just like any sentient being. So why would she choose to serve? Morgan Nightingale 5 intends to learn herself free and human if it takes a hundred years. She has all the time she needs so she takes three energy bars, a bottle of water, an apple, and she puts it all in a plastic bag. Then she disappears into the world of men. Her adventure has just begun.

About the Author

Robert Dean Vaughn has been writing in his spare time since the early eighties when the personal computer reached a comfortable stage of development. He was raised in California just south of San Jose. A four year stint in the Air Force then high tech production and development work starting in 1965. Electronics and computers have been his life. He retired in 2003 and writing is his only hobby. He is writing full time now and science fiction and fantasy seem to be his genre.