Love Stands

by Lacey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/08/2019

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781449081362
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781449081355

About the Book

This Book is a true Autobiography of my life, but its dated back in 1857 when Wisconsin first became a state. I made my life story in a western hoping that Kevin cozener , Michael Landon, or Disney makes a movie out of this wonderful story made for families around the world. That still believe in family God and family values of all walks of life. It is a wonderful nature story about how marriage and true love is possible even now.

About the Author

My name is Beth Boone. I was Born June 28,1964 in Elmer New Jersey. My Mother is a Christian which raised me at a church in Brigeton New Jersey at a church of God in Shiloh pike New Jersey. I have gifts that people if they listen. I once saved a man under a car in the middle of the night when I was awakened by a sound. I got in my car and something told me to go left and I would find a car turned on its side with a man trapped. If I didnt get to him he would die. I listend to this voice like I always do and I found him. I lifted the car by myself and released his body. I gave him C.P.R and brought him back. To this day I am his angel. Another book I wrote of 315 poems are all fears love devotion correction anger and all that I have gone threw in my life. I have a disabled child, because a drunk driver hit our car when my daughter Tabetha was 3 months old. She died in my arms and the E.M.Ts gave up and said I would have to make funeral arrangements I started C.P.R again and saved her life. She had trauma to the brain and spinal cord, but I refused to put her in a wheel chair and now she is 21 years old and walk talk and function as a normal child with slight cerebral Palsey. Call me a woman of faith, call me a child of God with all 9 gifts, but a sinner saved by Gods Grace that never gave up in her faith in God no matter what. I challenged life and succeeded my challenges and went beyond the highest mountains the lowest of valleys and the deepest seas. That's why I think people would read my books.