My Father in Me

How One Man's Life Influences Future Generations

by Patrick Kelley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/02/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781449063566
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 150
ISBN : 9781449063559

About the Book

"My father in Me" is a compilation of stories experienced by Andy Kelley, former Underwater Demolition Team member (Navy Seal), and his son, Patrick Kelley. This book illustrates how the life of one person can positively influence multiple generations through example, word and intent. In turn, it helps us understand that we too, alter the lives of others as we interact in both positive and negative ways. "My Father in Me" also demonstrates how the "Kelley Mystique," a dangerous genetic trait, intrinsically motivates an individual to do some of the craziest things. This collection of life experiences, both humorous and heart-breaking, are wonderfully woven into a beautiful fabric called life. Each chapter, accentuated with a family picture, takes us step by step closer to our Heavenly Father through a deeper relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. The book asks probing questions and addresses awkward life situations that are frequently avoided. Ultimately, "My Father in Me" uncovers the purpose of life and the importance of love and family.

About the Author

Patrick Kelley has been entertaining audiences with his stories for years. Sometimes humorous, sometimes thought provoking, this master story-teller takes life's adventures and illustrates lessons learned. Prompted by his three children to document the mischievous deeds, Pat loves sharing the memories which evoke laughter and sometimes a tear. He is a practicing dentist in North Carolina where he lives with his wife and children. His passion is to help people understand how much our Heavenly Father loves us and to nurture a deeper relationship with Him.