Grace and Glory

A Commentary on Ephesians

by Earl Cripe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781449040956
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781449040949

About the Book

Ephesians tells us what God has given to us by grace, because of His own devotion toward His family, to involve us in His glory.  Unlike the other epistles, Ephesians does not chide the Church for anything.  It is concerned with informing us about the richness of eternal life and inheritance that has been bestowed on us by the generosity of God.  Ephesians gives us a unique look at the heart of God and how marvelously He has set it up for us in His family and His Kingdom to share in His wisdom, His power, and His love because that is what He wanted to do.  We have not deserved it and we have not invoked it by our actions or our faith.  God has done it all because it pleased Him to do it.  We are accepted in the beloved family of God because He has made us to be accepted.  Ephesians proceeds to tell us what this language means in terms of our lives and relationship to God now.  The magnitude of this grace and glory is staggering:


About the Author

D. Earl Cripe has been a pastor and expository Bible teacher for more than forty-five years.  On television and radio he has taught the Bible expositorily for forty-three years.  His writings include commentaries on Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Hebrews, Revelation, a three volume set on Genesis,  a five volume set on Exodus; a six volume set on the Harmony of the Gospels, a systematic theology on the Kingdom of God, and a laymans theological dictionary.  Grace and Glory is the thirteenth volume in an expository series of the New Testament.  In addition he has been a speaker and polemicist in religious conferences at home and abroad.  His sound conservative and biblical but interdenominational approach to the Church and Her mission has afforded him access to leaders and churches across the spectrum from Roman Catholic to the Plain People.  Scores of theologians and church leaders look to him for answers and for guidance.  Following the lead of his Lord and Master Dr. Cripe hopes to kindle the fire and engage the conflict that will stir the Church out of Her complacency, force the people of God to break with the false religion of the New Paradigm, and make crucial and eternally consequential decisions about their lives.

More about D. Earl Cripe, his ministry, and his books can be reviewed at or Cripe