Silenced Paces
Book Details
About the Book
SILENCED PACES is an elaborated work addressed mainly to people who are willing to enhance their knowledge and understanding about the most troubled times of our world's history. The facts and their sequence are based on historical archives and data. This book is intended to unveil the events buried in the dimness of those times, lived by ordinary peoples, through horrors, sufferings, despair, famine, and unthinkable abuses, during and after the Second World War. The story depicts the shaking period of time between 1930 and 1980, and it’s staged in Romania. The events are combined with the “saga” of a family whose daily ordeal solidifies even better the realities of those troubled times. Maybe, this book will help people to better understand the values of life and of their historical heritage, leaving them as a legacy to the coming generations, to be enhanced, shared, and treasured.
About the Author
Adriana Dardan was born in Cernauti–Bucovina, in a period of peace and prosperity of Romania. She lived the first years of her childhood in Chisinau–Basarabia, until the first refuge in 1940. She attended the school and university in Bucuresti, graduating as an engineer from the Polytechnic Institute of Bucuresti. Privately, she studied philosophy, biology, and social sciences. After many years of waiting, she succeeded together with her family, to immigrate to USA,where she worked as an engineer. The free time was devoted to writing. Beside articles with philosophic and historic subjects, she realized two basic works: “The Testimony”, with a philosophic subject, and “Silenced Paces” in which she described the historical and agitated period of time between 1930-1980 in Romania. At present, she continues with studies and researches, to achieve a literary work with a socio–political–economic topic, regarding the aspects of our conflicting, contemporary world.