The Legacy of Annie Rose
Book Details
About the Book
Beginning with Carolyn's victory over arachnophobia, The Legacy of Annie Rose details the extraordinary story that follows the purchase of a Grammostola rosea tarantula. Months after she brings this giant arachnid home, a crisis develops that throws her life into chaos. Annie unexpectedly lays eggs. Tarantula experts state that the eggs will surely not survive to develop under the hand of a novice. Nevertheless, because a minute possibility exists to the contrary, she sets out to prepare. Astonishment and discovery become daily companions as Carolyn is plunged into the world of tarantulas in a way she never expected.
This educational, photo-documented account contains over 200 color photographs.
About the Author
Formerly an arachnophobe, Carolyn Swagerle's insatiable passion today is found in the study of spiders. Her enthusiasm as a tarantula hobbyiest has been instrumental in the lives of countless others, bringing positive changes in the way many view spiders. Carolyn is a member of both the American and British Tarantula Societies. She and her husband, Timothy, reside in the U.S., in Peru, Indiana.