Time Honored

by Raymond Grant



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/07/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781438992778

About the Book

Time Honored is a book for the times, looking to reach the outcast, the insecure and those bordering on the application of their talents, gifts and ability. This is a book that gives light to those who see only darkness and gloom. It gives hope to the down trodden and implores it's readers that through a geuine relationship with God, all obstacles can be overcome and desires met.The tone throughout, with its' simplistic style, passionately encourages us to push pass the comforts of complacency and channel our actions toward the things of God. It looks to the heart of men, challenging them to fulfill their destined position as father, provider, protector and guide. Time Honored prompts its' readers look beyond self and current circumstances, to "The One" who has birth purpose in each of us. Time Honored focuses on honoring the time given to us by making the most of our time, talents, gifts, and ability while bringing about a change in the lives of others.

About the Author

The author is a retired military veteran of over twenty four years of service with two combat tours. He possesses no lofty religious credentials. Nor does he hold any prestigous position. He is simply a man who loves the Lord God and his Savior Jesus Christ. The author speaks through his writing in a simple and frank yet very effective style. His poetry offers a refreshing blend of thought provoking, self evaluating, power igniting messages. It's in your face, without being threatening; challenging, but not critical; He looks to reach those who are turned away by sophisticated words and messages that are too challenging in comprehension. The author reaches out to the saved and the unsaved, to the abused, the imprisoned and fathers. The author is  totally in step with what's going on in todays' society and attemps to reach some of the everyday people, with common issues by offering inspiration and insight in his own unique way.