It is easy to dismiss all religion as a crutch for the weak of mind, but unfortunately for the skeptic, history proves otherwise. Academic skeptics are revered in the classrooms and lecture halls but rarely make appearances on the battlefield of real-life matters. These scholarly skeptics will be quick to denounce religion as a fabrication to control the masses or a delusion to satisfy the wandering mind, but when called to action, these “knower’s of all” will usually hide behind their lecterns of rights.
God-fearing men braved our shores centuries ago, while skeptical Europeans read books of enlightenment in finely crafted mahogany libraries. God-fearing men wrote our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution, while skeptical elitists set up camp in our classrooms and public squares. God-fearing men built our infrastructure and defended our nation, while skeptics protested our innovation and denounced our military might. God-fearing men raised their children to believe in a higher power and the virtues that come from above, while skeptics—who generally have fewer children—remained in waiting to abolish said beliefs and virtues when left alone with our children. God-fearing writers speak in terms of love, devotion, and honor, while skeptical writers speak in terms of hatred of religion and dissent toward all that is good.
History contains an abrupt answer to the underlying question in regards to religious attributes of American society. God-fearing men, for the most part, designed and developed our nation from the ground floor and protected its sovereignty, while the enlightened skeptics have been dreaming and scheming how to destroy it from within.