Some Thoughts on the Big Questions
Book Details
About the Book
This book is a series of essays (13) about some of the more important questions in philosophy and religion. The essays represent the author's take on the most reasonable answers to these questions as well as the justifications for those answers. They are written in an essay form and a colloquial style rather than in the style of a professional journal article in the hope of easing the reader's way through them and rewarding his/her interest and curiosity. No dogmatism here, just a reflective and open attempt to discern what is the case with regard to some perennial and serious issues which commonly confront us.
About the Author
Dr. Brockway brings a remarkable breadth of degrees, experience and teaching to this book. He has a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, a masters degree in Social Work and a masters and a Ph.D. in Philosophy. The subjects he has taught range from logic and philosophy to medical ethics and business ethics; from business, finance and economics to sociology and political science; and from mathematics to the history of science. And interspersed between these various teaching sojourns he has been the administrator of a primary care clinic, a stock broker and investment consultant, and the managing partner of a financial planning firm. He has lived in Europe and in the U.S.. This breadth of experience and interests is reflected both in the subject areas he writes about in this book as well as in his style of writing. The book is written for the non-specialist and in largely non-technical terms. When asked who his intended audience was, Dr. Brockway responded: “anyone who is interested in these topics, is intelligent and is not a specialist.”